Check Out E-Materials

What is it? Libby is a mobile app that offers the Wisconsin’s Digital Library collection of e-books, audiobooks, and magazines.
Where do I get it? Head to your device’s app store and search for “Libby.” If you’re on a Kindle Fire, the installation process is a little different — go here for step-by-step instructions.
How does it work? With Libby, you can have up to 10 items checked out and 10 items on hold at a time. Most e-books and magazines can be checked out for up to 21 days, while e-audiobooks have a 14-day checkout limit. There are no overdue fines — materials are automatically returned at the end of the checkout period if you don’t renew or return them early.
Anything else I should know? If you’re not on Libby yet, you might be using OverDrive, an app made by the same company. The OverDrive app is in the process of being phased out, so users should make the switch to Libby by the end of 2022. Head to this website for tips to make the transition, or go here to watch tutorial videos about Libby.
Get detailed information about using Libby by downloading our bookmark (or picking up a hard copy at the library) or visiting Libby Help.