Meeting Rooms
We’re here to accommodate your diverse needs for meetings, whether they’re for information-sharing, civic activities, education, or professional purposes. Please note that while we provide these spaces, the library maintains a neutral position and does not endorse any group’s viewpoints when using our rooms. Your comfort and productive gatherings are our priority.

First Floor Conference Room
Seating Capacity for 22. 14 chairs around the table, 8 chairs on the outside perimeter.

Second Floor Conference Room
Seating Capacity for 10 around the table.

Library Recreation Center West
Max Capacity 35 People

Library Recreation Center East
Max Capacity 35 People

Study Rooms
We offer three small rooms with a maximum capacity of four people and two large rooms that can accommodate up to six individuals. Study rooms operate on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved. Users are guaranteed one hour but may stay longer if no one is waiting. If a study room remains vacant for 10 minutes or more, it may be assigned to another patron. You’ll need a library card or ID to access these study rooms. For inquiries about study room availability, please speak to the librarian at the Reference Desk on the second floor.
Meeting Room Policy
Application forms and the Meeting Room Policy are available in the business office from 9 am – 1 pm Monday through Friday. An adult must be present throughout the meeting if minors are in attendance. The person completing the application form will accept liability for damages to the meeting room that occur during the time period their organization meets.
Meeting Room Priority
The West Bend Community Memorial Library reserves the right to prioritize meeting room usage and may, if necessary, cancel group reservations to accommodate the library’s needs. We will make every effort to provide a two-week notice in case a reservation needs to be canceled.
Meeting rooms may be booked up to 3 months in advance. Groups may request the use of a meeting room once per 30 days. It will be at the Director’s discretion or the Director’s designee to make adjustments.
“Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”
– ALA Library Bill of Rights
Cancellation of room reservations must be made at least two business days in advance of the meeting date unless cancellation is demanded by weather.
Room Usage
Library meeting rooms are not intended for commercial use. For-profit organizations and businesses may use the meeting rooms but only for training, conferences, strategic planning, or other non-commercial use. Any public notice or advertisement of any meeting must clearly state that the event is being held at, not sponsored or organized by the West Bend Community Memorial Library Board or the City of West Bend. The name, address, or telephone number of the West Bend Community Memorial Library may not be used as the address or headquarters of the group meeting at the West Bend Community Memorial Library.
If a group abuses the facility or these regulations then it will be the Library Director’s decision to cancel future reservations or to discontinue meeting room privileges to this group.
Basic Guidelines
All groups must abide by local and state fire safety laws. All regular library rules apply to the meeting rooms, including prohibitions against posting materials on the walls, windows, or doors and moving tables and chairs.
The meeting rooms are available during Library hours only. Groups are responsible for set up and take down of chairs, etc. Setup and take down must be considered when booking the room. Library Staff will not assist with this.
For more information on renting our Meeting Rooms, contact the Business Office at (262) 335-5151, ext.5243.